Thursday, November 11, 2010


Next week our family grows. My younger daughter and her husband are adopting two precious boys that they have fostered for over a year. A & J have been in the foster system for many years. They have been shuffled from family to family. Thankfully, these two brothers have not been separated. A is sweet spirited, caring, and helpful. J is creative, quick witted, and eager to please. Both have dancing eyes and “melt your heart” dimples. Life has not been easy for these two. My daughter and her husband have had adoption on their hearts for several years. My daughter has been a Masters level social worker for years. She has worked with children who have lost a family member in death, the Houston Katrina population, and the foster family situation. Her tender and loving spirit has been a two edged sword. She can detach herself professionally – to a point. She also is a loving, compassionate, godly mom. She feels blessed to have these two rascals in her life. The challenges are easily outweighed by the love she feels for these two young men. I say “men” because even though the brothers are young, they have been forced to grow up prematurely and basically on their own. At times, they have had to create their own solutions to grown up problems. They are blessed to have a professional who can help them become loved, cared for and one who is knowledgeable and eager to intervene for them. My daughter has had the experience in her under graduate work in college of being a child advocate. Lifting up damaged lives is her passion. My precious grandsons make me smile and fill my heart with the special love of a grandmother. I am so blessed to have four little guys love and protect me. I love these two grandsons the same as my two (soon to be three) Dallas grandchildren. I am happy to be in the lives of all five. My heart is continuing to know true unconditional love.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Skype to the rescue

I guess you can teach an old dog new tricks. Hubby went to Norway about his project. Europe as a whole is not very wheelchair accessible. Staying home is a good reminder that I can take can of myself. I dealt with a pool motor needing to be replaced; my van's battery had to be jumped; wind damage on the roof. A good friend, Reggie, rescued me on the van. Home owner's insurance paid for the motor (Thank you First American!). House insurance will put on a new roof. Naturally, all these fiascoes happened while my hubby is in Norway. It was comforting to know I could reassure him that I took care of all these problems by talking to him.

Calls to Norway are out of question because of cost. Our older daughter taught us about Skype. It is amazing. I can talk and see JD with Skype. He can use Skype when he needs input about his project. He can even discuss a problem with his draftsman. Oh the wonders of living in the age of computers.

Even better, I have been able to talk to my Dallas grandchildren. Skyping is another communication "fix" for anyone - but especially for someone who needs help with being able to connect with loved ones.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Grandparent's Day 2010

I have never been able to celebrate Grandparent's Day until this year; my Dallas grandsons are too far away. But 2010 is different. Having two grandsons close made it possible to be with one of them - A - at his elementary school for celebration of being a grandparent. It was so wonderful to see his eyes light up when he saw we were there to eat lunch with him. He was so excited. It was so difficult to tell him that he had to stay with his teacher instead of staying with us once he realized we were there. I know it wasn't just the Sonic lunch we brought him that made him so happy!

We met his teacher, Mrs. E. She is so warm; she genuinely cares that we were there. A's school is very proactive about safety. We had to present picture ID, have a name tag made with our picture, and turn the tag in to the office when we left. The school is huge; grandparents were everywhere. The entire signing in process was very organized; we were registered very quickly. What a wonderful day!

A at Grandparent's Day.

*Soon I will be able to show the face of our grandson. Adoption will be finalized soon.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

New Day

When one refuses to accept change, life ceases to be an enjoyable adventure. When I was forced into retirement, I was sad, defeated, and angry. I refused to believe that getting away from the stress of my profession would extend my quality of life. Now I am enjoying my grandsons and my family. I still wake up on my "school clock"; 4:30 AM is a habit hard to break. Not grading essays hours on end is a chore of teaching high school English that I do not miss. I do miss the students that I have had the privilege to watch grow from wide eyed juniors into self assured young adults. I smile when I hear of their accomplishments, marriages, and children. I keep up with most on Facebook. Yes, FB is a current social network for an "old biddy like me."

Selfishly I have enjoyed seeing my family grow. My older daughter Sarah is the mother of two incredible sons. Her husband Wade is a wonderful hands on dad.

My younger daughter married her perfect partner Jeff.

She and Jeff have become foster parents to two amazing boys. A & J came into all of lives almost a year ago. They are a big part of our family. They quickly were vital in our family's "heart". Jeff and Rebecca are their mom and dad; A & J are their sons. Soon the legal system will catch up with what is already a reality with the adoption of these two little guys.

Life is good - especially if we "Let go and Let God."

Friday, June 25, 2010

June 25, 2010

Today is full of confusion. I am from Louisiana; I remember the bayous, water creatures, Cajuns, crayfish boils and more. I will always remember fishing with my grandfather from a john-boat in a Louisiana bayou. The moss dripping down from the cypress trees was amazing- even the water moccasins were beautiful. I know in my heart that Louisiana will not recover in my lifetime. I pray the Gulf Coast will not experience the fury a hurricane. A way of life seems to be destroyed by the love of money.

But today also made me smile. I tutored a young lady today on her summer reading. It was fun to see her feel more comfortable with a challenging reading. Asking her probing questions gave me "my fix" of teaching. I told my student's mom I was being selfish tutoring her daughter. I had the best of both world's; I got to see a student gain self confidence without having to grade papers. It is much more rewarding to see the glimmer in a student's eyes.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Life According to Mrs. H

Life is always interesting. My life centers on our grandsons - Clayton, Drew, A & J. A & J cannot have their picture on my blog until they are formally adopted. All four boys are a joy - each in their own way. Clayton is a "hoot"; you never know what that boy will say next. Sarah's blog chronicles some of his antics. He will be in kindergarten next year; I hope they are ready for him! Drew is a jewel of a one+ year old. He is a gentle, loving, active boy. Since we had two girls, a boy growing up is a sight to see. Drew learns so quickly the ways to keep mom on her toes. His amazing smile tells you to watch what he will do next.

A & J joined our family nine months ago. A will be in first grade next year. He is a real lady's man. No matter where he goes, he leaves broken hearts. McDonalds, school, and sports events are his favorite haunts to catch the eyes of the girls. He loves all the places Rebecca and Jeff take him. Sometimes he is a challenge, but all of the time he is joy. J is a typical little brother. He knows what buttons to push. His angelic smile and twinkling eyes make me joyful that he is our grandson. He will be in pre-k next year. Oh to be a fly on the wall...

Life is such a blessing when grandsons are a part of our lives. Each daily adventure with these four could be the focus of a best selling book.

Friday, May 14, 2010


Happy Anniversary, D We continue to grow and change. Thank you for who you are - now and even all the 39 years before May 15, 1971.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Joys of being a Grandparent

" In youth we learn; in age we understand."

Happy Mother's Day - especially to our two amazing daughters. I thought being a mom was the best, but being a grandmother is even better. Seeing my daughters becoming such sensitive, insightful, and loving moms is such a blessing. Watching them both with their boys reminds me that Jer. 29:11 is a promise that I will cling to each day. This weekend all for boys filled our house with swimming, bar-b-que, laughter, activity, and yes even a little sibling horse play and arguing, I got to sent quality time with each boy but especially with my youngest grandson. It warmed my heart to hear him say "ov yu" and give me kisses only an 18 month old can. Thank you daughters, son-in-laws, and grandsons for visiting.

Drew and t-ball action.

Sarah and her boys

A & J visit the horses

Wade and his boys love to ride bikes

A & J walking across a bridge - maybe to join a loving family

Toothless A

"Truth, which is important to a scholar, has got to be concrete. And there is nothing more concrete than dealing with babies, burps and bottles, frogs and mud."

Sunday, February 28, 2010

March Birthdays

March is the birthdays of three of my favorite men: Clayton ("Batman"), Jeff, and JD.

Happy Birthday, Guys.