Monday, May 25, 2009

Memorial Day 2009

Our soldiers often are treated with disrespect. I remembering hearing stories of brave men coming home from Vietnam. My older brother returned home a changed man. "The War" was not even talked about by most. Most veterans, I am sure, felt betrayed. I even feel at a loss when trying to rationalize how our brave men and women were greeted. I knew friends that were either afraid of going or feared actually being there. If the battles were not enough, Agent Orange or the mere jungle itself had to be contended with for the soldiers. As a high school student, I vividly remember dating a young man who was about to go to this war. The night before he left was a scary time for him. He talked about coming home in a body bag. He did.

I pray that no one else will be treated the way that many of our vets were and even unfortunately still are when they return home. Thank you for all those that serve; you have paid the price in order to give us freedom.

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