Sunday, July 27, 2008


Facebook continues to be entertaining. I cannot believe the number of people that I know that seem to share my apparent obsession. Chuck, Nick, Emily, Rebecca (my daughter who introduced me to the experience), Katherine, Parker, Kara, Kati, Molly, Mike T., David, Michelle, Ellen, Mike M., and Dan (the Man) have all either written on my Wall or sent messages. Other ex-students and friends have added me to their friend list. It was wonderful to hear how their lives are growing. If you haven't explored this site (, you may want to do so.

As an old teacher, the beginning of school always brings dread, apprehension, and excitement. For the first time in 30+ years I won't have the experience of a new group of students. I don't know how I am going to handle the emotions. Teaching has always been motivating for me. I have taught in so many schools - public and Christian. I even have had the joy of teaching my own daughters. I can still remember my older daughter's flowing tears when she discovered that I was going to be her Senior English teacher. I always was a demanding teacher but prided myself with being fair. But, my poor daughters experienced my less than understanding side. I could not be accused of showing favoritism, so I was harder on them both. I even gave an English award to a truly outstanding student instead of my daughter who was also deserving. Kati remembers that well.

My three-year old grandson continues to amaze me. He comes up with most insightful, mature views of life. The stories are too cute. His parents are doing an amazing job of allowing him to grow God's way. They temper discipline with mercy. As is easily observed in the picture above, he is an example of perfection - at least as a Grandmother sees it.


Albus Adventures said...

I remember the tears too and the "non-favoritism." We were lucky to have gotten the opportunity to experience you as our teacher though!

Anonymous said...

The English Award made it to your blog!!!! WOW! ;-)