Monday, September 29, 2008

Drew is almost here!

I am going to be a grandmother again on October 23. Yesterday my daughter and Drew were blessed with a family shower. My younger daughter and her husband represented Gran and Papa D. My daughter's blog helped me visualize the grand occasion.

Drew's birth brings back special memories. I was obsessed over older daughter feeling left out when younger daughter was born - a feeling not unique in my situation. I enjoyed reading books to my older daughter daily; this special time brought me joy. How could I continue this traditional story time when I was away from her? I decided to audio tape my reading those stories to her. The page turner was a simple bell being rung. Even if this did not help her, it did convince me that I would not be missed as much.

My older daughter allowed me to give Clayton a big brother shirt to assure him that he was not to left out.

I am so blessed with amazing daughters, son-in laws, and the first two of I hope many grandchildren.

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