Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Can I write a book??

Since I have time on my hands, I have decided to attempt to fill the hours I had spent grading essays writing a book. Having people view you as "old" is no fun. "Growing old" in this society is the "pits". I have always been a bit outspoken if I felt passionate about something. Being the mouthpiece for those less willing to speak out is a real joy for me.

My book already has a title: If the Door Closes, Look for a Window. The adventures I have experienced could be an Academy Award winning movie. As our girls were growing up, the stories are endless. Slipping and sliding in spilled bacon grease, catching Charlene, and begging to be disciplined after a difficult time at church are only a few. I will try to protect my family by not disclosing too many details.

The experience of surviving the many days spent in rehabilitation over the last ten years after bad episodes of MS must have some valid purpose. It is amazing what one can learn about human nature in a rehabilitation facility. Some experiences were incredible. However, some were helpful in gathering material for my book. I have learned the hard way that acceptance of a bad situation is not forced upon someone. Standing up and not being afraid is a learned skill. Having the spirit of bucking the system is empowering.

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