Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Welcome to Mrs. H's attempt to blog

I have taught many students during my time in the classroom. Each year's students presented new challenges, but they all shared the same desire for acceptance, fairness, compassion, and caring. Even though MS made teaching physically difficult, I always felt - and still do - that I could contribute something to the lives of my "kids". Life is just different in retirement. I may have a body that some days does not work, but I still have much to share. I want to keep in touch with my ex-students, so blogging may give me that ability. I still care.

PS: MS makes my typing full of errors. (That may only be an excuse for my poor spelling. I am sure my first grade teacher would be horrified. Sorry, Mrs. Compton.)

1 comment:

Gran said...

Are ex-students there? I am commenting to see if I set this whole blog thing up correctly. Thanks for reading this weak attempt at blogging.