Sunday, August 8, 2010

New Day

When one refuses to accept change, life ceases to be an enjoyable adventure. When I was forced into retirement, I was sad, defeated, and angry. I refused to believe that getting away from the stress of my profession would extend my quality of life. Now I am enjoying my grandsons and my family. I still wake up on my "school clock"; 4:30 AM is a habit hard to break. Not grading essays hours on end is a chore of teaching high school English that I do not miss. I do miss the students that I have had the privilege to watch grow from wide eyed juniors into self assured young adults. I smile when I hear of their accomplishments, marriages, and children. I keep up with most on Facebook. Yes, FB is a current social network for an "old biddy like me."

Selfishly I have enjoyed seeing my family grow. My older daughter Sarah is the mother of two incredible sons. Her husband Wade is a wonderful hands on dad.

My younger daughter married her perfect partner Jeff.

She and Jeff have become foster parents to two amazing boys. A & J came into all of lives almost a year ago. They are a big part of our family. They quickly were vital in our family's "heart". Jeff and Rebecca are their mom and dad; A & J are their sons. Soon the legal system will catch up with what is already a reality with the adoption of these two little guys.

Life is good - especially if we "Let go and Let God."

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