Saturday, September 11, 2010

Grandparent's Day 2010

I have never been able to celebrate Grandparent's Day until this year; my Dallas grandsons are too far away. But 2010 is different. Having two grandsons close made it possible to be with one of them - A - at his elementary school for celebration of being a grandparent. It was so wonderful to see his eyes light up when he saw we were there to eat lunch with him. He was so excited. It was so difficult to tell him that he had to stay with his teacher instead of staying with us once he realized we were there. I know it wasn't just the Sonic lunch we brought him that made him so happy!

We met his teacher, Mrs. E. She is so warm; she genuinely cares that we were there. A's school is very proactive about safety. We had to present picture ID, have a name tag made with our picture, and turn the tag in to the office when we left. The school is huge; grandparents were everywhere. The entire signing in process was very organized; we were registered very quickly. What a wonderful day!

A at Grandparent's Day.

*Soon I will be able to show the face of our grandson. Adoption will be finalized soon.

1 comment:

Albus Adventures said...

Ya'll made his day! Thanks for going to celebrate with him!